NEEMO, een consortium van adviesbureau’s in heel Europa voert de monitoring uit van projecten uit het Life programma van de Europese Commissie. Ruim honderd monitors houden in de verschillende landen de vinger aan de pols voor wat betreft de voortgang van zo’n 1500 gesubsidieerde projecten op het gebied van milieu en natuur, elk van enkele miljoenen euro’s. KM Consult ondersteunt bij de audits van het kwaliteitssysteem van de consortium, waarin geborgd wordt dat de monitors aan de gestelde kwaliteitseisen voldoen. Dat betekent jaarlijks op reis; dit jaar (2015) Budapest, Prague, Freiburg en Brussel. De ervaringen bij PwC en mijn kennis van het toezicht zijn een prima basis.
The 2015 call for action grants for the LIFE programme covers proposals for both environment and climate action sub-programmes. The total budget for project action grants for this call is € 240 811 337.
Of this amount, €184 141 337 has been allocated to project action grants for the sub-programme for environment and €56 670 000 has been allocated to the sub-programme for climate action.
At least 55% of the environment allocation will be dedicated to projects supporting the conservation of nature and biodiversity.
Traditional projects include best-practice, demonstration, pilot or information, awareness and dissemination projects. These are funded under one of three strands for the environment sub-programme (LIFE nature & biodiversity, LIFE environment & resource efficiency and LIFE environmental governance and information). For the sub-programme for climate action, traditional project strands are LIFE climate change mitigation, LIFE climate change adaptation and LIFE climate governance & information.
Capacity building projects are designed to provide financial support to activities required to build the capacity of Member States, including national or regional LIFE contact points, with a view to enabling more effective participation in the LIFE programme.
The three other new project types introduced under LIFE 2015-2020 are integrated projects, technical assistance projects and preparatory projects. For the sub-programme for environment these are managed by DG Environment’s LIFE Unit. For the sub-programme for climate action, EASME manages integrated, technical assistance and capacity building projects and DG CLIMA manages preparatory projects.
Public bodies, private commercial organisations and private non-commercial organisations (including NGOs) registered in the EU are eligible to apply for LIFE action grants. For further information, application forms and guidance documents go directly to the call page. See the calendar published on the call page for information on the closing date for applications for traditional projects.
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